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Zeke is just six months old, born into a country that exports death around the globe. In amongst the protests and riots that are hitting the streets more frequently, he finds that the opportunities before him are to be drastically reduced. All he has to rely on are a family determined to do anything in their power to guarantee his future.

Tariq, a student journalist in the capital, discovers a devastating attack is imminent on home soil only to be refused a publication that could save countless lives. Deflated, alone and with little time, the only person he can attempt to save is himself.

Mina's inner demons keep her out of the unravelling political landscape and its outcomes. Not knowing the status of her distant daughter, she seeks solace in offering her care to those worse off than herself.

All want to regard humanity thriving in the wreckage of their land, but in the lawlessness of war, it's a difficult find.​

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I am a novelist, author or writer dependent how you like to think of us. My debut novel is to be released on the 11th October through Amazon on Kindle and paperback.

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